The Operations Research Revolution


The TutORials track at INFORMS is designed to give experts in the operations research and management science fields an expanded forum in which to introduce a topic of interest to the community. These sessions have served to recap mature fields of research, introduce emerging research and practical topics, and outline new challenges facing the next generation of researchers. The TutORials track has consistently been one of the biggest draws of the conference, and continues to flourish now. This year’s volume editors are Dr. Dionne M. Aleman, an associate professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, and Dr. Aurélie Thiele, an associate professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Lehigh University. Dionne and Aurélie carefully examined recent topics that had been covered in previous TutORials sessions and identified a slate of new and exciting topics for the 2015 TutORials track. These topics include some of the most important contributions that have appeared in recent INFORMS journals, and demonstrate to the outside community the impact that OR/MS has in engineering and business applications.

Dionne M. Aleman, PhD, PEng
Dionne M. Aleman, PhD, PEng
Professor of Industrial Engineering
